Career Series Fall 2020 – Graduate School Workshops


Location: Via Zoom

Haley Barlow, Jane Warshaw (ND Biology Alumni) and Dr. Stu Ravnik on Graduate School at UTSW

My name is Jane Warshaw, and I am a 1st year graduate student at UT Southwestern Medical Center. I am a member of the class of 2020, and while I was at ND, I lived in PDub and was involved in Uplift and Panopoulos Lab. I also studied abroad in Puebla, Mexico during the Fall of my junior year. I am just beginning with lab rotations and my core classes at UTSW with an ultimate goal of joining a lab that studies developmental biology and cell fate decisions. I decided to come to UTSW because the faculty are dedicated to mentoring and teaching students so they can grow into independent and innovative scientists. I also participated in the SURF program at UTSW, and my positive experience in the program swayed my decision to return for graduate school. I am still undecided as to my career goals, but right now I am leaning towards an industry/biotech position where I can still get my hands wet in lab and mentor young scientists. I am looking forward to seeing you all and answering your questions about science beyond ND J.


My name is Haley Barlow, and I am a 4th year graduate student at UT Southwestern Medical Center. I graduated from ND in 2017, where I was in Marching Band, Uplift, and the Hyde Lab. I also studied abroad in Rome, Italy and minored in Italian. Now in the Cleaver Lab at UTSW, I study how blood vessels are formed in the early mouse embryo in hopes of identifying novel therapeutic targets for diseases like cancer (where you want fewer blood vessels) or heart attack (where you want more blood vessels). I am also an NSF Graduate Research Fellow, so I can answer your questions about funding applications both before and during graduate school. 

I decided to come to UTSW because of the ingenuity and creativity in the approaches the scientists here take to address really interesting questions. Career-wise, I thought I wanted to be a PI and run my own research lab, but now I am keeping an open mind and looking for careers where I can teach and mentor students or communicate science to broad audiences. I look forward to answering any questions you have about...anything!


Stuart Ravnik, PhD is Associate Dean for Students at the UT Southwestern Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences He received his BS in Biology and PhD in Biochemistry, both at the University of Washington in Seattle. After a post-doctoral fellowship in Genetics at Columbia University, Dr. Ravnik ran his own lab at Texas Tech 

University Health Sciences Center prior to joining the Dean staff at UT Southwestern in 2002. Since then, Dr. Ravnik has focused his career towards student affairs, science education outreach, and graduate education, especially in the Responsible Conduct of Research. He has served as Course Director for UT Southwestern’s RCR training programs for over a decade. He promotes biomedical science training, education, and outreach through his teaching and visits to undergraduate institutions, scientific societies, and his mentorship in research training programs for undergraduate and graduate students. He is active in community science and education as well, serving on national and local science outreach boards and committees and is an active volunteer in several local education groups. 


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