
David Veselik

Professor Jennifer Robichaud, Director of Undergraduate Studies
Advising Procedure
  1. FAQs: Check our Biological Sciences Major FAQs list to see if there is an easy answer to your question
  2. Email: If the FAQs do not answer your question, email Professor Robichaud:
    1. Title your Subject Line in the following format: “First Name Last Name - Biology Advising” (ie. John Smith - Biology Advising)
    2. Include your question and any relevant background information in the body of the email.

Advising Objectives and Expectations
  • Empowerment: to empower students to be proactive in planning and scheduling classes. Successful empowerment requires initiative on the part of the student.
  • Assistance: to assist students with questions, approvals, advice and feedback. Successful assistance requires clarity and promptness on the part of the student.
  • Referral: to refer students to the proper resources when the best answers can be found outside of biology advising.